Our mission is to enhance patient outcomes.

From the heart of the little red dot, we empower clinicians, scientists, and drug developers with advanced tools to elevate patient care in modern cancer therapy.


Our Team

Loo Lit Hsin LinkedIn

Co-founder &
Chief Executive Officer

Jeffrey Lim LinkedIn

Co-founder &
Chief Technology Officer

Joey Lee LinkedIn

Co-founder &
Chief Operations Officer

Joe Yeong LinkedIn

Co-founder &
Scientific Advisor

Our Story

We are a spin-off company from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore. Our core mission is to enhance patient outcomes in modern cancer therapies. We offer comprehensive suites of specialized services to clinicians, scientists, and drug developers, focusing on spatial omics, immune monitoring and digital analytics, meticulously tailored to address specific clinical needs and scientific questions in immuno-oncology.

Our story began in 2019 when four A*STAR scientists with distinct backgrounds came together to form a team with complimentary scientific and technological expertises and a shared vision to create a positive impact. It was this mutual aspiration that marked the humble beginnings of ImmunoQs.

Fast-forwarding to 1st September 2023, our lab was officially operational and we embarked on a new chapter to make our technologies accessible and available to the vibrant research and clinical communities across Singapore and the Asia Pacific region.